TTS Enables STEM Education

TTS Enables STEM Education

Dinesh Kaushal is a software architect and developer at Sapient India. He has over 15 years of experience in designing and developing software which helps people with visual impairment to use computers and mobile devices.

In his own words, “Most people, when they need to read a book, they can simply buy it online or in a shop or go to a library”. Not for people like me, who are visually impaired (VI). To read a book, we need to first get it converted to an accessible (for VI users) format, which can be an audio, braille or an eBook. That’s because most books are available as printed books first.

As a student, he wanted to study Mathematics, but couldn’t read mathematics books in India. Later he learned about Text To Speech (TTS) software and immediately realized that it would transform his life!

In this video, Dinesh talks about how he became a software developer using Text To Speech (TTS) and screen reading software.

Screen readers and other assistive technologies have literally transformed the lives of persons with disabilities.